Thursday, 6 November 2014

Statistics prove that Direct mail advertising still works

With email becoming the major means of communication among businesses and their customers, everyone thought that direct mail advertising will sooner or later fade into oblivion. The rise of social media platforms like Facebook in the recent years is believed to be the final nail in the coffin for direct mail ad campaigns. However, the statistics that will be presented before you here speak otherwise.

Integration between digital and direct marketing

More than 75% of businesses today say that the best way to promote your self is by combining the old and new methods together. This can be easily done by using NFC technology and QR Codes that could be printed on sheets of paper and urge your target consumer to check your website on the Internet. 70-80% of the smartphones in the world are capable of scanning QR and barcodes that are printed on the sheets of papers sent through direct mail management systems.

With one sweep, not only you cater to the needs of the present generation, by saving a lot of time of your prospective customers, you also emerge to be a business that is ready to move forward with them. However, since you are still using an age old and tested means of advertising, you are also taking care of the older generation and their needs.

Response rates from direct mail campaigns

British people love reading the content of their mail. It is estimated that on an average more than 25 minutes are spent by the individuals to read through their daily mail which includes direct mail alone. Another surprising stat is that nearly half i.e. 48% of consumers keep the direct mail they receive for future reference. These statistics show that once you employ a reliable direct mail management service provider, you not only increase the odds of your mails being read but also that it will be read immediately since more than 75% of the people who collect their mail read through it immediately. Moreover, 92% of the youngsters, young men and women who are below 35 years of age, say that they prefer a direct mail rather than email when it comes to taking decision relating to purchases.

Connecting with your consumer on a personal level

70% of the people have said that they find direct mails more personal than the emails in their inbox. This means that a personalised printed mail targeting your consumer will connect with them at a deeper level than an email. This means that you will attain a better business-customer relationship than your competitors who are relying on email marketing. 

Since direct mail still constitutes a huge share in marketing campaigns with a sum total of 43% share, retail advertising relies on this mode of advertising heavily. The younger generation, 24 to 35 years, responds better to direct mails which mean that you have a chance to build a strong relationship with them right from the start. 

The bottom line is that people still respond to direct mails like in the yester years and businesses should not over look this advertising medium just because it is old.

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