As the title suggests, a leaflet is a mesmerizing technique of marketing. It appeals to the natural human tendency to accept information through any and all channels. It is a big hit in present-day information-seeking society.
It is a mode of advertising used to pass information about something, for instance, informing about products and services, events and promotions to a target audience. It consists of a few pages that are folded in half or sometimes in thirds or even fourths to form a small booklet.
Types of Folds in Leaflets
The leaflets are usually folded to arrange the information and categorically reveal it to the reader. Cheap Leaflet Printing is often strategized innovatively that is attractive and remains etched in the minds of the readers. The most common ones are:
The leaflets are usually folded to arrange the information and categorically reveal it to the reader. Cheap Leaflet Printing is often strategized innovatively that is attractive and remains etched in the minds of the readers. The most common ones are:
- Parallel Fold – These are folds parallel to the length of a leaflet, in an accordion-like fashion known as the concertina fold, or also folds in the same direction known as letter folds.
- French Fold – It takes a concertina fold and halves the leaflet parallel to the breadth.
Benefitting through Leaflets
Regardless of the fact that leaflets fall under the conventional methodology of advertising such as the television, radio or a newspaper, Cheap Leaflet Advertising still have a significant impact. The only advertising suitable for TV and radio are repetitive advertisements, as one-time or flash advertisements will not serve any purpose. Repetitive advertising costs a lot of money as opposed to the economical approach with leaflets, which when printed in large quantities can attain economies of scale. Here are a couple of customer testimonials to reinforce the above notions. The testimonials were gathered from different websites in response to various leaflet promotions.
A customer responding to a practice exam worksheet leaflet says, “This is a very concise, informative and well-conceived resource. It has a perfect overview about the functional skills for an exam revision. Thanks!”
Another student returning from an education fair with leaflets about multiple universities exclaimed that, “This is brilliant! It saves a lot of trouble from making a comparison chart to analyse the offerings of different universities.”
Another student returning from an education fair with leaflets about multiple universities exclaimed that, “This is brilliant! It saves a lot of trouble from making a comparison chart to analyse the offerings of different universities.”
Effective Uses of Leaflets
Here are some examples of effective Cheap Leaflet Advertising by governments to address welfare issues concerning general public:
AIDS Leaflets Planned
November 29, 1985 | From Reuters
West Germany's 25 million households will be mailed government leaflets about AIDS. It will explain the facts about AIDS and help to overcome fears and prejudices.
Safety Campaign Will Target Drivers Along Dangerous Highway
May 16, 1997 | Mack Reed, Times Staff Writer
November 29, 1985 | From Reuters
West Germany's 25 million households will be mailed government leaflets about AIDS. It will explain the facts about AIDS and help to overcome fears and prejudices.
Safety Campaign Will Target Drivers Along Dangerous Highway
May 16, 1997 | Mack Reed, Times Staff Writer
As summer looms, and with it the threat of more wrecks along "Blood Alley," officials are planning to distribute cautionary and highway-safety leaflets to motorists. The accident rate is already down on the deceptively pretty road between Fillmore and Santa Clarita, with beefed-up police patrols and perked-up driver awareness.
Wasn’t that a wonderful approach to tackle the problems affecting the mass population? It is up to the marketer to decide whether leaflet advertising is a boon in disguise to their campaigns.
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